
Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday Morning

Can't believe spring winter break is almost over lol...we had more snow this spring break than we had on winter break, what is up with that MS Mother Nature???  It's been so miserable here in New York, between the cloudy snowy days and the kid's with nothing to do, Yikes, I can't wait to go back to school haha..NOT!!!

Well here it is Good Friday already..I did manage to get a new skin on the front of the store...If you haven't checked it out yet, go see it HERE and tell me what you think???  It's not finished yet, I have a lot of touching up to do on it...But I have been learning how to move files around and install new mods and well, Jess and I have been having a ball lol..Oh did I mention that Sue and I have taken on a new partner in crime??  Jess is our newest member to the admin team at SBDS ;)  Yayyy Jess...she already does so much for me, I just had to promote her :)...Besides being there for me all the time, she has become such a special friend...
So welcome aboard Jess, hope you realize what your getting into hahahaha...

Sorry don't have any new previews for you today, been to busy to really make anything new, well I did make a few new, but not had a chance to get in store they aren't even previewed yet haha..**note to self - can't sell anything if you don't get it in the store dummy** :)..

Wanted to let you all know that we are doing a special Easter sale at the store this week...since we been doing our weekly newsletter, we don't have any sales going on except for the "spotlight creator" in the newsletter.  We have done a whole rotation of creator's and before starting out our next rotation, I thought we should all have a quickie sale and what better time than go and check it the emails come in, I am adding the keep checking back ...

Otherwise, everyone have a very safe and Happy  Hoppy Easter

1 comment:

Marjo said...

Hey!! Note to self, try to post to your blog at least once a month!!! LMBO
